Evaluate how well the Army develops and assesses leaders

Evaluate how well the Army develops and assesses leaders

Define the Army leader development model. Does the criteria for assessing leaders (both officers and NCOs) accurately gauge leader development? What leadership behaviors and developmental milestones are not captured in evaluation reports? What leader development domains are the most difficult to assess?

Lessons learned from Battalion Command Assessment Program (BCAP). Is this assessment the right format to determine an officers fitness for command and strategic leadership potential? Does this program need to be implemented earlier on in an officer and NCOs career, for example before taking company command or a first sergeant position? 

US Army Performance Evaluation Guide, ADRP 6-22 Leadership Requirements Model and Example Behavioral Indicators, January 2014

ADP 6-22 Army Leadership and the Profession, July 2019

FM 6-22 Leader Development, June 2015

Leader Development Improvement Guide, February 2018

United States Army Center for the Army Profession and Leadership, Developing Leaders, https://capl.army.mil/developing-leaders.php