

Written on the Body, by Winterson, is a novel like no other you have read because of the mysterious narrator. We spend a portion of the book trying to identify the narrator as male or female. Isn’t it interesting how obsessive we are about this piece of information? Is it that we think it will tell us something important about the narrator? Do we think that this same person, with the same personality and life history would be totally different as a man than as a woman? Society certainly makes us believe that. Is that really true? If you kept up this quest for missing gender till the very end, the ending disappointed you. It is also not clear if the lovers get back together, because it is not a traditional love story. The book is about a journey, about what the narrator learns, e.g. what is written on their body.

Your assignment question is: Does the narrator change during their ordeal? If so, how? Please use short quotes for support.

Please write a minimum 300 words answer supported with quotes from the text