

Benchmark- Self Assessment and Reflection

Benchmark- Self Assessment and Reflection


Self-assessment is the capacity to dive into one's nature to develop personal progress. Self-diagnosis is a talent that allows individuals to analyze their efforts and skills, limitations, and strengths and develop solutions to present problems. Mackey and Sisodia describe the capacity to lead with awareness, sensitivity, and emotional intelligence in their work. This essay explains the features of conscious leadership and the effect of two historical management theories, a summary of the findings of each assessment I performed, and the insights I obtained from my self-assignment.

Characteristics of Conscious Leadership

One of the characteristics of conscious leadership, according to Mackey and Sisodia, is the ability to understand business in terms of a larger purpose and the potential constructive effect it may have on the world around them (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). Conscious leadership must be a command system that serves all stakeholders equally to achieve relevance. This is done through eliciting the best in others and focusing on collective rather than individual achievement (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). A conscious leader is built on four pillars: a higher purpose, stakeholder change, personal command, and service to others. A higher purpose necessitates a reorientation of an organization's goals. Leaders must inspire and encourage all stakeholders while also changing staff via better training and serving as role models to bring out the best in every employee. Stakeholder transformation is the second pillar (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014).

This pillar contributes to the creation of a positive work environment and a transparent sequential chain of communication, which can improve employee performance by increasing the value of stakeholders through the establishment of a healthy ecosystem, which is critical for the achievement of the organization's goals (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). The individual command adds to the notion of significance as a technique of doing things since it has a substantial impact on the work environment and employee performance, as well as on workers' incentive to invest in themselves to achieve a greater degree of personal interpretation (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). Finally, conscious leadership requires a commitment to using one's talents, influence, position, and resources to impact positive change in society, which promotes accomplishments and better outcomes in the medium and long run, among other things (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014).

Two Historical Management Theories

A scientific theory, one of the two historical management theories, was developed in the early twentieth century by Frederick W. Taylor (Sobociski, 2017). Taylor was an engineer who experimented with many tactics to discover the most well-organized and efficient methods of completing the projects he was assigned to develop (Sobociski, 2017). He created his scientific management principles based on Taylor's. First and foremost, each work must be examined to determine the most effective manner to execute the job (Sobociski, 2017). As a consequence, the normal flow of business is disturbed. Employees should be placed in occupations that are a good match for their abilities and motivations. Finally, people should be audited regularly to follow best practices. In the fourth phase, managers must educate their personnel and forecast future demands.

According to Weber's bureaucratic ideology, the second point to consider is that companies with a bureaucratic structure are more productive than those without. Weber's ideal company practices apply the same organizational principles and approaches. Aside from task specialization and hierarchical organization, the theory emphasizes several other notions, including impersonality and formal selection. Weber, in particular, highlighted the necessity of each employee having a unique role inside the organization (Lutzker, 1982). According to Weber, every corporation should have a well-defined hierarchy regarding organizational structure (Lutzker, 1982). Employers often conduct background checks on prospective employees before hiring them. Because of the established norms and standards, everyone knows what is expected and what is not. Regulations must be set to achieve Weber's goal of consistent standards (Lutzker, 1982). The idea of impersonality will be investigated. When rules and regulations are imposed in this way, participants in a business organization are exposed to a cold and impersonal experience. Individuals are promoted based on their ability rather than their sentiments or relationships.

The Importance of Self-Awareness, Self-Concept, and Emotional Intelligence

It is essential to perceive one's inner functions and how they emerge in one's behavior while conversing (Zeidner et al., 2004). Self-aware leaders comprehend that every assessment indicates internal improvement, which must be recognized and managed carefully (Zeidner et al., 2004). A positive self-concept is the sum of one's thoughts and emotions about oneself. Those in positions of authority should be aware that their actions reflect their inner state of being. The efficiency of a strategy is dependent on both unconscious activity and self-deception. An illogical promise and a focused practice highlight the need for conservative leadership (Zeidner et al., 2004). The capacity of humans to recognize and interpret their own and other people's emotions is referred to as "emotional intelligence." You'll need this feature to learn more about getting to know individuals and feelings. Emotions are at the center of every encounter a leader has with people.

Brief Summary of the Self-Assessments Results

Throughout the preparation of this report, I was given three self-assessment questions. The VARK Questionnaire is the first of these examinations. This examination investigated the visual, aural, reading/writing, and kinesthetic components of my learning processes via a series of questions. This self-assessment revealed that I performed well in auditory and kinesthetic learning domains. I've increased my learning capacity by listening to others, taking situations into my own hands, and seeing them through. The Rokeach Value Survey served as my second assessment. This poll asked me to rank two items according to their importance to me, which I did. According to the findings of this poll, I value both my connection with God and my ability to aid others highly. Finally, but certainly not least, we assessed our cultural competence using the Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist. This exam required me to go through the checklist and create questions that ranged from one to four on a one to four scales. According to this assessment, I was a curious individual who always looked for new ways to improve my knowledge of different cultural abilities.


The assessments have revealed a wealth of information about me, including the fact that I have a healthy love and respect for God, that I learn best through conversation/listening and kinesthetic experiences, and that I am curious about others and want to learn more about them as well as assist them where I can. Knowing these factors will impact my values, as my connection with God will continue to strengthen due to my knowledge. In terms of my approach toward others, I will continue to be my interested self and look for opportunities to serve wherever possible. When I applied this to leadership, I discovered that I am a stewardship leader, a new concept. I want to be a cheerleader for others, set an example, and do it while being kind and empathetic. When placed in a leadership position, the focus is on the team, not on me; my role is to assist in managing the process by listening, motivating, educating, goal setting, and demonstrating compassion.

Values of Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior studies human behavior concerning a specific organizational context (Voss, 2017). The overarching purpose of studying organizational behavior is to understand better the factors that impact individual and group dynamics and to discover how to apply this knowledge to the benefit of all parties involved. Individuals are polled on expertise, motivation, awareness, employee turnover, uniqueness, temperament, abnormal conduct, and job performance. Throughout the individual stage (Voss, 2017). At this stage in the inquiry, it has been shown that organizational behavior is linked with engineering, psychology, and medicine" (Voss, 2017). Group dynamics, including leadership disputes, as well as the interplay of authority (interactive communiqué) and social norms (including networks), must be studied (including roles in networks). Organizational behavior is studied by sociology and psychology, two academic fields. When we talk about organizations, we mean everything from corporate philosophy to cultural diversity, administrative assembly, and inter-organizational cooperation and conflict. Two fields that exhibit this level of organizational activity are anthropology and political science.


Lutzker, M. (1982). Max Weber and the Analysis of Modern Bureaucratic Organization: Notes Toward a Theory of Appraisal. The American Archivist, 45(2), 119–130.

Mackey, J., & Sisodia, R. (2014). Conscious capitalism: liberating the heroic spirit of business. Harvard Business Review Press.

Sobociński, M. (2017). Fiction As a Brand – A Discussion on Application of Popular Brand Management Theories in The Creative Industry.7(2), 136–146.

Voss, C. (2017). The narrative journey of the conscious leader. (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from

Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. D. (2004, June 15). Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Critical Review. International Association of Applied Psychology. .