1 1/2 page, APA-7 format, in-text citation, references include

Look through https://www.who.int/news/item/29-06-2020-covidtimeline

Explain why the WHO delayed the until January 30, 2020.

-Provide evaluation of the WHO activities relevant to COVID-19.

-Then, pick any country – a Member- and compare how its COVID-10 relevant activities are aligned the WHO recommendation. Is the chosen country successful in Pandemic response locally? Why yes/not?

-What is this country’s role in Global response to the Pandemic? Is it enough to assure the Globe shortens time to Pandemic resolution? Why yes/not?

**Make sure to remember the health equity and social justice principles when responding to this prompt. Consider the country’s efforts toward the Global health security and involvement in diplomacy to assure it. Try to support your conclusions with evidence. When commenting on any political matters contributing to the outcomes, keep a neutral position.