
MGT400 Assignments Week 1 – Assignment!

Week 1 – Assignment

Due Monday by 11:59pm Points 8 Submi!ng an external tool

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Using MS Excel in Logis!cs Ac!vi!es The text (Murphy & Knemeyer, 2018) indicates that a spreadsheet is the most relevant so"ware package for logis!cians, andthe assigned ar!cle (Bartolacci, LeBlanc, Kayikci, & Grossman, 2012) provides some real-life, prac!cal examples of how Excel isapplied in logis!cs. It is customary to use MS Excel in calcula!on of shipment volumes, weights, and costs. Our assignment thisweek provides a valuable introduc!on to the capabili!es and applica!ons of MS Excel in logis!cs..


Oracle Corpora!on is building a large new campus for cloud compu!ng support in Aus!n, Texas. They have selected DellComputer Corpora!on, located in neighboring Round Rock, Texas, to supply various devices for the campus. The distance fromthe Dell facility to the Oracle campus is 35 miles. The specified shipping mode is by truck, which costs three cents per pound,per mile. Oracle has requested that all shipments be made in 40-foot containers with interior dimensions of 40 ". long, 8 ".wide, and 8 ". 6 in. high. A container weighs 8,000 pounds and has a maximum payload (cargo weight) of 55,126 pounds.Oracle intends to leave the containers at their loca!on as secure storage during the startup stage of their opera!ons. Becausethe containers will serve as mini-warehouses, adequate room to move around inside the container is needed. Dell will constructlightweight, inexpensive wooden shelving for storage instead of using pallets. This requirement will limit the useable volume ofthe container to 80% of its normal maximum.

The order is summarized in the following table:

Product Quan"ty Single Package Dimensions LxWxH (inches) Single Package Weight (pounds)

Desktop Computer 100 24x24x18 20

Laptop Computer 200 18x18x12 10

Tablet Computer 300 12x12x9 5

Printer 100 14x14x 12 7

Monitor 100 30x35x9 12

In your Using MS Excel in Logis!cs Ac!vi!es assignment, enter the data provided in the scenario into a simple Microso" Excelspreadsheet. In your spreadsheet,

Calculate the total volume of the products.Calculate the total weight of the products.Calculate the total weight of the shipment (ignore the shelving).Determine the number of 40-" containers required to ship the order.Calculate the total shipping cost from the Dell plant to the Oracle campus.

For this Assignment,

You must use MS Excel to perform all calcula!ons. All work and equa!ons must be visible within the cells. (For tutorialsand assistance on how to use this so"ware, see Microso"’s Excel Training .)Round all answers to one decimal place.APA format does not apply.Neither a !tle page nor reference page is required.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Waypoint AssignmentSubmission

The assignments in this course will be submi#ed to Waypoint. Please refer to the instruc!ons below to submit yourassignment.

1. Click on the Assignment Submission bu#on below. The Waypoint "Student Dashboard" will open in a new browser window.2. Browse for your assignment.3. Click Upload.4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submi#ed by viewing the appropriate week's assignment tab in Waypoint.

For more detailed instruc!ons, refer to the Waypoint Tutorial .

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