Week 4 Engagement Customizing Global marketing (112)

Customizing Global Marketing Engagement Exercise

First review these two links associated with Shiseido a leading cosmetics and personal care company headquartered in Japan
https://corp.shiseido.com/en/brands/ (Links to an external site.)

https://hma.shiseido.com/en/info/p20170110_5305/ (Links to an external site.)

Now imagine you are the Country Head (think regional CEO) of Shiseido in Nairobi Kenya which is a booming, prosperous and cosmopolitan metropolis (https://www.google.com/search?q=Nairobi&tbm=isch&chips=q:nairobi,g_1:city:LWU-GhGhvaE%3D&client=firefox-b-1-d&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwj6hP3VjP_oAhU6HDQIHaccCSgQ4lYoAXoECAEQFw&biw=1689&bih=931#imgrc=r_oAqMhSBbhjuM (Links to an external site.)).
Propose 5 innovations and/or modifications to Shiseidos product mix (be as specific as you can, and as culturally aware as possible) AND for each, a ONE or TWO sentence rationale that you hope will be convincing to your bosses in Tokyo.