
Reply A BJ

Rosseau's Social Contract Theory is applied in many different texts like in our own Declaration of Independence, and this is because it touches on an immensely important topic about human rights. The rights that should be given to all humans, and should not be taken unless in an emergency where safety and security have to be taken into account. The laws are not meant to restrict one's rights, but are made to protect the citizens from tyrannical leaders.

This can be applied to the Covid-19 lockdowns, because not everyone agreed on the topic of locking down, and sheltering in one's house, it just seemed like overkill for a decent amount of people. I personally would agree that it was a little overkill, because the virus was spreading even while the lockdown was in place, yes it was less, but it was spreading and not posing that imminent threat as what was reported. It took our rights away, without a real necessity for it, and it is like an abuse of power in my eyes.

Rosseau's Social Contract Theory would greatly benefit discourse between opposing or even allied views, it would help to somewhat better understand what both sides are standing for and how they can come down to a proper compromise for both parties. It would help many to see the rights they have, and better understand when and why these rights should be restricted for the common good.

I personally did not have any issues with people having opposing views to mine, and found it enlightening to see people think and come up with the reasons why they believe what they believe and how it would benefit the citizens of the United States. My parents found it hard to believe that people would be against lockdowns and things, but after explaining both sides of the argument they came to better understand why people had opposing views for something that is meant to keep us "safe".

Reply B HS

Rosseau's Social Contract Theory states that the government obtains power and the right to exist with the consent of the people. Social Contract Theory states that people must give up some of their freedoms to ensure everyone's safety through a contract. These laws or agreements are necessary for everyday life to keep people from doing malicious activities and to keep people safe from danger. Rosseau's Social Contract Theory applies to Covid-19 because we had to isolate ourselves to keep each other from getting infected. We agreed as a society to keep a distance of six feet so that our chances of getting infected could drop. We also had to wear masks so that the chances of infecting each other indoors, which we as a society decided to mandate so that we can all be safe and not put our lives at risk. Some people did not want the mandates to continue because they did not want to stay in lockdown, and eventually, the vaccine was created. When the vaccine was starting to be distributed to the people, they agreed to take it to keep themselves to boost their immunity against covid and get society back in its prime. These social contracts that people agreed with, such as mask mandates, social distancing, lockdowns, and vaccines helped keep people safe and prevented many deaths. It would be helpful if more people understood the Social Contract Theory since it can make people safe since most people want to keep themselves safe. Reaching agreements and making laws can keep everyone safe and allow society to function properly. Some views that have changed certain people in my life are those on social media since they sometimes have outrageous opinions, so I do not use social media as much. I do not have strained relationships with others about how much freedom we give up to receive protection since a difference of opinions does not bother me.