
Final Paper

(Submission date April 13th)

The topic chosen for the term paper proposal will be studied in detail to write this final paper.

Final paper format


Title page


Your name (if it is a group project, including the names of all members in the group)

Georgia State University Perimeter College

ECON 2100: Global Economics


(Refer to the library research link given below)


The abstract must be engaging, states the main topic, and previews the structure of the paper. Refer to the library research link for the word count.

Body of the paper and conclusion

Each paragraph has supporting sentences that develop the main idea. The conclusion is engaging and restates the paper’s purpose.

2-3 pages (500 – 650 words)


Done in the correct format with no errors. Includes more than 3 references (e.g., economic journals, research papers, economics magazines/periodicals).

The final paper will be 5 – 6 pages, typed, double-spaced with a 1.00” margin.

Note: The 5-6 pages include the title page, abstract, body of the paper, and bibliography page)

You will follow the APA formatting and style for the title page, running header on each page, page numbering style, abstract word count, font, font size, margins, and how to cite the references.

Library resource link for the paper:

Please go over the link. There are three headings:

· Econ sources: links for different Econ articles, journals, and searching the library database is given

· APA citation resources: APA formatting style, sample document, and resources are provided in this heading.

· Help and Appointments: you can make an appointment with the librarians across all Perimeter campuses and the Atlanta campus online for help with research and accessing material.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss the term paper.