The Prevalence of Depression During the Covid-19 Outbreak

The Prevalence of Depression During the Covid-19 Outbreak

Part One

1. Discuss the biological factors from Covid-19 exposure that could affect cognitive development and behavior leading to depression.
2. Discuss external factors from Covid-19 outbreak that could affect depression.

Part Two

1. Describe an experiment that could be done to assess whether the depression during the Covid-19 outbreak is due to exposure or due to external factors, like isolation.
2. How could you design an experiment to ensure that your samples are a good representation of the population.
3. Predict results that would allow you to suggest that Covid-19 exposure or outbreak use and depression are correlated.
4. Explain why causation of depression can be difficult to establish as it related to Covid-19.

Part Three

1.What statistical analysis are shown in the case study to represent the prevalence of depression during the Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Examine data from the study and develop plots to represent the results.
3. Compare the prevalence results by population and show using plots.

Part Four
Conduct a search of literature, in addition to the assigned manuscripts, to draw your conclusion on depression during the Covid-19 pandemic.

reference page(at least 5 references).

Please use these two papers as well: