
Services Marketing

Company: Apple Inc.

Due Saturday 4/2 by 12pm ET

Suggested length of your final paper is 8 double spaced, typed pages (standard margins -12 point type), excluding your title page, table of contents, and bibliography. File format should be in Word (.doc or .docx). The Paper must include one very important element at the beginning: an Executive Summary of roughly one page (an executive summary is just that: a summary of the key points included in your term paper). Papers submitted without an executive summary will be penalized, as will papers without a table of contents or bibliography. Also, the paper should be broken down into sections with headings or subheadings for each section or "gaps" discussion.

Term Paper Guidelines

Select a service organization and discuss all forms of service marketing strategies that the organization uses to communicate with its customers.  Analyze the evidence in terms of compatibility, consistency, and whether it meets consumers’ expectations, and creates enduring marketing relationships.

Use all the information you have gained in the course and incorporate it in your study to determining the level of success of the firm in meeting the industry’s competitive advantage.