Technology in school

1. Argumentative Essay
.  2.You must have a prewrite.
3.You must have a rough draft that shows significant evidence of revision and editing. Revision is the rewriting and/or reorganizing of your writing. Editing is the correction of spelling and grammatical errors.
All must show evidence of research. Remember, using the thoughts, words, examples, reasoning of others’ to support your own thoughts is a good-no, great!-thing to do. You just have to do it properly by documenting correctly that you’ve used others’ ideas and/or words (even if paraphrased). If you don’t properly indicate that you are using the words or ideas of others, you have committed plagiarism which can result in suspension and an “F” grade among other consequences.

5. Unless otherwise specified, all writing assignments must be submitted using MLA format. Google “MLA format” if
you do not know it. That includes using a 12-point standard font such as Arial, Times, or Geneva,
.. 6.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the writing assignments for your NovaNet class, the English Lab is available to assist you. Check with your teacher about English Lab hours and location.
In every essay, you can use the three common types of appeals below:

A logical appeal is one that appeals to the mind. Example: Studies show that one’s vocabulary is increased by
reading. Therefore, children should be encouraged to readh
. An ethical appeal is one that appeals to reader’s sense of fairness. Example: The people in Haiti are suffering from a hurricane and now typhus. We should all contribute to the Red Cross to help our fellow man. Ethical appeals also may be based on the character, credibility, or reliability of the writer,
An emotional appeal is one that targets one’s emotions. Example: In Patrick Henry’s famous “Speech to the Virginia Convention,” he warned that if the British army invaded, their wives and daughters stood the chance of being molested. Of course, his final line, “Give me liberty or give me death!” is highly emotional.
8. As always when given a writing prompt that has a reading selection(s) with it, remember to refer to and/or quote
the selection(s) that you read in your own essay.

Read the quote below. Using logical reasons and specific examples from your own school experiences, write an essay in which you summarize the speaker’s position and then explain whether you agree or disagree with the speaker’s claims as they relate to technology in the classroom. Do not forget to include and refute counterarguments. Remember to include logical, emotional, and ethical appeals.

“Over the last decade, an estimated $2 billion has been spent on more than 2 million computers and other digital devices for America’s classrooms. Such technology should be in American schools for it has the potential to engage students and increase learning. in practice, however, computers make our worst educational nightmares come true. Texting is destroying the English language. Now teenagers think that “idk,” “wdymbt,” and “idk” are complete sentences. While we bemoan the decline of literacy, computers discount words in favor of pictures and pictures in favor of video. Also, with so much access to the information of others, original thought is becoming almost extinct in student