
Read the following excerpt below. It has been taken from Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech. You will summarize the excerpt.  Be sure to include ONE topic sentence (using the template below), PLUS at least one more sentence summarizing supporting details for the rest of the paragraph. 


“But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.”


Helpful Vocabulary Definitions:

Crippled : Unable to walk or move properly

Prosperity: Success or luxury

Exile: Not allowed in one’s own country

Watch the video created by one of your teachers. Then begin your assignment. Scroll down to review the instructions and the rubric. 

Your summary should include:  

1. Topic sentence: title and author + strong verb + main idea

2. Supporting details: (must be written in your own words)

Click the Start button to begin. 



Does Not Meet Yet (0-59)

Emerging Expectations(60-75)

Meets Expectations(76-89)

Exceeds Expectations(90-100)

Topic Sentence (20%)

Topic sentence is hard to identify.

Topic sentence is missing one of the following format elements: title, author, verb, main idea or is not written as a complete sentence.

Topic sentence includes the title, author, verb, and main idea.

Topic sentence follows the format: title and author + strong verb + main idea

Supporting Details (70%)

Supporting details are not present or do not relate to the topic sentence.

Supporting details are not paraphrased or are minimally included. More support is needed to accurately summarize the excerpt.

Supporting details clearly support the topic sentence and are written in student's own words.

Supporting details clearly support the topic sentence and are written in student's own words, accurately and concisely paraphrasing and summarizing the excerpt.

Conventions (10%)

Numerous errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

3-4 errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

1-2 errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

There are no conventional errors that distract the reader from content.