
This is not a traditional paper. I am looking for your ability to search the web for credible, documented information on your health topic. You will need a minimum of 3 different web sites that validate your search and the comments you make in your paper.

I am not looking for you to follow MLA or APA documentation. Instead, where you would have cited something you learned, you will insert the website after that section. You must be sure that you know where you are going and capturing the exact web site address, so that when I click on it I will go exactly to where you found your documentation. You may need to use this multiple times throughout the paper. Just be sure I can count 3 different sources. Do not use Wikipedia as a source.  CDC, various associations like heart and cancer, or reputable journal websites are what you should be looking for.

    Paper should include:
        Define the cancer, disease or wellness topic and why you chose it. .
        Identify or list the signs & symptoms.
        Discuss the preventive aspects.
        List 3 things that you learned from searching the web sites that you did not know before.

    List a minimum of 3 web sites that provided you with this documentation. When you list the website it should be embedded directly after where you have cited information from that web location.
    Go to the assignment section and submit under Health Wellness Paper.
    Paper should not exceed 3 pages.