
You are to put yourself in the shoes of the division president and make a recommendation to the board on how to proceed. You will immediately recognize multiple ethical issues in the facts that contain questions across all of the areas we have studied including employment ethics, environment, cultural relativity, conflicts between virtues and utility, justice and rights, shareholders, and stakeholders of all other stripes, etc.

What I want you to do is write a paper that evaluates these issues using the philosophers, writers, and thinkers we have studied. Contrast what you see as the two biggest moral value conflicts (systemic justice v human rights, shareholder rights v. systemic fairness, virtue v. utility, etc) and make a recommendation to the board. Cite your authority from our materials. Incorporate in your analysis what a Christian business manager would find most compelling in a realistic business sense as well. It can be challenging.
I need for you to practice your best writing skills, analysis, logic, and persuasive skills. Tie the salient facts as you see them to the moral value you think is most important and show how that logically leads to your conclusion. Keep in mind the shareholders are in it to make money and the board is fully devoted to keeping them happy. Still, what is the right thing to do. SELL IT!

I suggest you use the brief format as a guide to the structure because it helps organize your thoughts.

Format for Briefs and other Article Summaries:
Issue: A statement of the pertinent facts and the primary business ethical issue presented by the case or article. This may include references to the ancillary issues to highlight why the student has chosen the primary issue to be the issue of importance.
  Rule: A statement of the conflicting moral standards or rules as presented by the applicable portion of the course texts, or the videos or other materials presented by the professor citing the applicable chapter and page or presentation subject where the rules are found, as well as the full text of the rules. One standard is the rule the student recommends for the solution of the issue. The other standard is an alternative rule that could generate a different outcome.
  Analysis/application: The students independent analysis/application of the issues presented and the rule to be applied to that issue. In addition, the student may wish to include references to other issues or rules that he or she considered in preparing the analysis.
  Conclusion: The students personal conclusion as to the reported facts in the article and the application of the rule selected. What ethical conclusion do you draw from the preparation of the brief concerning the article or situation? This conclusion may or may not agree with the statements found in the article selected.

Only Resource: Ethical Issues in Business A Philosophical Approach 8th Edition Donaldson and Werhane