
In this activity you will be asked to answer both of the following questions (listed below) in 2 paragraphs. You will be expected to state your opinion and provide supporting evidence. Supporting evidence can come from the lesson content in this course, or from an online resource. 

1. Which do you think was the most important invention of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s: the light bulb or the automobile? Why? If you feel there was another invention discussed in this time period that was more important than the light bulb or automobile, feel free to use it. Provide the response in at least 4 complete sentences. Follow this format to answer the question.

· Sentence 1: What was the most important invention

· Sentence 2: Why do you feel this way?

· Sentence 3: Supporting evidence

· Sentence 4: Supporting evidence and conclusion

Here are possible sources that you may use to help you research: 

2. Think about Amendments 13, 14, 15, 18, and 19. Which Amendment to the Constitution had the biggest impact on America? Why do you feel this way? Use evidence and explain your answer. Follow this format to answer the question and use at least 4 complete sentences. 

· Sentence 1: Which amendment had the biggest impact on America?

· Sentence 2: Why do you feel this way?

· Sentence 3: Supporting evidence

· Sentence 4: Supporting evidence and conclusion

Here is a possible source that you may use to help you research: