Social Styles Inventory

Social Styles Inventory

First, answer the questions based on how you feel in a WORK/PROFESSIONAL context

Second, answer the questions based on how you feel in a SOCIAL/INTERPERSONAL context

Third, find a colleague, co-worker or classmate and have them complete the assessment about you in reference to how you behave in a WORK/PROFESSIONS context

Fourth, find a friend or family member and have them complete the assessment about you in reference to how you behave in a SOCIAL/INTERPERSONAL context

next Using this discussion thread, answer  these questions:

-What were your findings? List all 4!!
-What do you think about those findings? Do you agree? No? Why?
-Did you score yourself differently than your colleagues and friend or were the scores relatively consistent?
-How does this affect the way you interact with people socially and professionally? Does it change anything? Explain.