
2/24/22, 12:49 PM Rubric Detail – Blackboard Learn 1/5

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  Excellent Good Fair Poor

Describe theevaluationmethodologyplan you woulduse to evaluateyour case studyin a 2- to 3-pagepaper. You will:

Specify whichresearch design,informationsources, anddata collectionmethods youwould use.

23 (24.21%) – 25(26.32%)

The responseclearly,accurately, andwith detailspeci�es whichresearchdesign,informationsources, anddata collectionmethods touse.

20 (21.05%) -22 (23.16%)Theresponsespeci�eswhichresearchdesign,informationsources, anddatacollectionmethods touse.

18 (18.95%) -19 (20%)Theresponsevaguely orinaccuratelyspeci�eswhichresearchdesign,informationsources,and/or datacollectionmethods touse.

0 (0%) – 17(17.89%)

The responsevaguely orinaccuratelyspeci�es whichresearchdesign,informationsources,and/or datacollectionmethods touse, or fails toaddress one ormore items.

Name: NURS_6541_Week7_Assignment_Rubric EXIT

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2/24/22, 12:49 PM Rubric Detail – Blackboard Learn 2/5

  Excellent Good Fair Poor

Identify thetypes of analysesyou wouldperform on thegathered data.

Justify yourselections.

Provide a list ofstakeholders inyour selectedstudy.

23 (24.21%) – 25(26.32%)

The responseclearly,accurately, andin speci�cdetail identi�esthe types ofanalyses toperform on thegathered data,justi�esselections, andprovides acomplete list ofstakeholders inthe selectedstudy.

20 (21.05%) -22 (23.16%)Theresponseidenti�esthe types ofanalyses toperform onthe gathereddata,justi�esselections,andprovides alist ofstakeholdersin theselectedstudy.

18 (18.95%) -19 (20%)Theresponseidenti�esthe types ofanalyses toperform onthe gathereddata in avague orinaccuratemanner,weaklyjusti�esselections,and/orprovides anincompletelist ofstakeholdersin theselectedstudy.

0 (0%) – 17(17.89%)

The responseidenti�es thetypes ofanalyses toperform onthe gathereddata in avague,inaccurate, orincompletemanner,provides aweak ornonexistentjusti�cation ofthe selections,and/orprovides anincomplete ornonexistent listofstakeholders inthe selectedstudy.

2/24/22, 12:49 PM Rubric Detail – Blackboard Learn 3/5

  Excellent Good Fair Poor

Write aparagraphdescribing thekey componentsof yourevaluation—the“who,” “what,”“when,” “where,”and “how” ofyour evaluation.

14 (14.74%) – 15(15.79%)

The responseclearly,accurately, andwith speci�cdetaildescribes thecomponents ofthe evaluation,including the"who,” “what,”“when,”“where,” and“how.”

12 (12.63%) -13 (13.68%)Theresponsedescribesthecomponentsof theevaluation,includingthe "who,”“what,”“when,”“where,” and“how.”

11 (11.58%) -11 (11.58%)Theresponsedescribesthecomponentsof theevaluation ina vagueand/orinaccuratemanner,includingdetailsregardingthe "who,”“what,”“when,”“where,” and“how.”

0 (0%) – 10(10.53%)

The responsedescribes thecomponents ofthe evaluationin a vague,inaccurate,and/orincompletemanner,includingdetailsregarding the"who,” “what,”“when,”“where,” and“how.”

Explain how youwould measuresuccess in yourevaluation. Bespeci�c.

Explain how youwouldsummarize yourresults. Bespeci�c.

14 (14.74%) – 15(15.79%)

The responseclearly,accurately, andin speci�cdetail explainshow tomeasuresuccess in theevaluation andhow tosummarize theresults.

12 (12.63%) -13 (13.68%)Theresponseexplainshow tomeasuresuccess intheevaluationand how tosummarizethe results.

11 (11.58%) -11 (11.58%)Theresponse ina vagueand/orinaccuratemannerexplainshow tomeasuresuccess intheevaluationand how tosummarizethe results.

0 (0%) – 10(10.53%)

The responsein a vague,inaccurate, orincompletemannerexplains howto measuresuccess in theevaluation andhow tosummarize theresults.

2/24/22, 12:49 PM Rubric Detail – Blackboard Learn 4/5

  Excellent Good Fair Poor

WrittenExpression andFormatting —ParagraphDevelopmentandOrganization:

Paragraphsmake clearpoints thatsupport well-developed ideas,�ow logically,and demonstratecontinuity ofideas. Sentencesare carefullyfocused—neitherlong andrambling norshort and lackingsubstance. Aclear andcomprehensivepurposestatement andintroduction areprovided thatdelineate allrequired criteria.

5 (5.26%) – 5(5.26%)

Paragraphsand sentencesfollow writingstandards for�ow,continuity, andclarity.

A clear andcomprehensivepurposestatement,introduction,and conclusionare providedthat delineateall requiredcriteria.

4 (4.21%) – 4(4.21%)

Paragraphsandsentencesfollowwritingstandardsfor �ow,continuity,and clarity80% of thetime.

Purpose,introduction,andconclusionof theassignmentare stated,yet are briefand notdescriptive.

3 (3.16%) – 3(3.16%)

Paragraphsandsentencesfollowwritingstandardsfor �ow,continuity,and clarity60%–79% ofthe time.

Purpose,introduction,andconclusionof theassignmentare vague oro� topic.

0 (0%) – 2(2.11%)

Paragraphsand sentencesfollow writingstandards for�ow,continuity, andclarity < 60% ofthe time.

No purposestatement,introduction,or conclusionwere provided.

WrittenExpression andFormatting —English WritingStandards:

Correctgrammar,mechanics, andproperpunctuation

5 (5.26%) – 5(5.26%)

Uses correctgrammar,spelling, andpunctuationwith no errors.

4 (4.21%) – 4(4.21%)

Contains afew (1 or 2)grammar,spelling, andpunctuationerrors.

3 (3.16%) – 3(3.16%)

Containsseveral (3 or4) grammar,spelling, andpunctuationerrors.

0 (0%) – 2(2.11%)

Contains many(≥ 5) grammar,spelling, andpunctuationerrors thatinterfere withthe reader’sunderstanding.

2/24/22, 12:49 PM Rubric Detail – Blackboard Learn 5/5

  Excellent Good Fair Poor

WrittenExpression andFormatting —The paperfollows correctAPA format fortitle page,headings, font,spacing, margins,indentations,page numbers,running heads,parenthetical/in-text citations,and referencelist.

5 (5.26%) – 5(5.26%)

Uses correctAPA formatwith no errors.

4 (4.21%) – 4(4.21%)

Contains afew (1 or 2)APA formaterrors.

3 (3.16%) – 3(3.16%)

Containsseveral (3 or4) APAformaterrors.

0 (0%) – 2(2.11%)

Contains many(≥ 5) APAformat errors.

Total Points: 95

Name: NURS_6541_Week7_Assignment_Rubric