

Home and Work life Balance

Research Prospectus

Colorado Technical University

Ivette Clark

March 2022

[Note. The Research Prospectus is a significant milestone in the journey toward your CTU dissertation research study. A Research Prospectus declared satisfactory in RSCH861 demonstrates your achievement of a viable research problem and alignment of the research method choice, problem, purpose, and research question. Your Research Prospectus will be declared satisfactory when your instructor has deemed all criteria on the Research Prospectus Evaluation Rubric as “Met.” This will enable you to pass the RSCH861 course. Note that the Research Prospectus document is regarded as a work in progress and some content may be subject to additional revisions as the proposal/dissertation process continues.]


[Insert an abstract of no more than 150 words to summarize the study problem, purpose, variables or constructs, method choice rationale, and plans to conduct the review of the literature. Note: The title page and Abstract page have no page numbers. The Introduction begins as page 1. Be sure to remove all red template instructional content as you prepare your Research Prospectus draft.]

[CTU Research Prospectus Template v4.0 June 2021]



[The Research Prospectus is double-spaced throughout with Level 1 headers for each required section. The Abstract, References, and any appendices headers (known as front and back matter in scholarly publishing) also use a Level 1 header. The Research Prospectus begins with an introduction to the study problem that includes enough background information and term definitions for the reader to understand the problem statement and all key terms used within the study problem. Remember the proposed study is first introduced in the study purpose below and not in the introduction as this is an introduction to the study problem. The introduction is no longer than 2 pages.]

[Start intro here…]

Study Problem

Elnanto, J., & Suharti, L. (2021). The Impact of Work from Home to Work-Life-Balance and Its Implication to Employee Happiness. International Journal of Social Science and Business5(3), 311.

Garton, Eric, (2017) Employee burnout is a problem with the company, not the person

Gorjifard, R, & Crawford J. (2021) Working from home: Impact on wellbeing and Work-life Balance. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 46(2), 64-78

Weerasinghe, T., &Jayawardana, A. (2019). Flex-Work and Work-Life Balance: Effects of Role Conflicts and Work-Life Support Organizational Culture. Sri Lankan Journal of Management, 49-76.



[Optional: When an appendix or appendices are to be included, format per APA 7th ed. guidelines]

Research Prospectus Evaluation Rubric



(Instructor please check)

Does Not Meet

(Instructor please check)

Instructor Feedback

Front Matter

Title Page

· Title no more than 12 words

· Title reflects method choice

· Title aligned with Trio and discipline/ concentration

· Title no more than 12 words

· Title reflects method choice

· Title lacks alignment with Trio

· Title page APA errors


· Meets 150-word limit

· Summary of all required components

· Exceeds 150 words

· Missing summary for required components


· No more than 2 pages

· Key terms defined

· Adequate introduction to the study problem

· Adequate citations for scholarship support

· Exceeds 2 pages in length

· Missing term definitions

· Unclear introduction to the study problem

· Inadequate citations for scholarship support


Problem Statement

· Meets length requirement (250-350 words)

· Meets paragraph format

· Adequate citations for scholarship support of the study problem

· Exceeds length requirement

· Incomplete scholarship citations to justify problem

· Problem lacks alignment with Purpose and RQ

Study Purpose

· Purpose well aligned with Problem and RQ

· All required components introduced

· Adequate statement of proposed contribution

· Purpose lacks alignment with Problem and RQ

· Missing required components

· Missing statement of proposed contribution

Research Question

· RQ aligned with Problem and Purpose

· RQ phrasing aligned with traditions/ conventions of method choice

· RQ phrasing aligned with conventions of the discipline/ concentration

· RQ lacks alignment with Problem and Purpose

· RQ phrasing not aligned with traditions/conventions of method choice

· RQ phrasing not aligned with conventions of the discipline/ concentration

Research Method Rationale

· Adequate description of research traditions

· Adequate paradigmatic perspective

· Adequate rationale for method fit

· Missing research traditions

· Missing paradigmatic perspective

· Inadequate rationale for method fit

· Lacks alignment with discipline/concentration

Review of the Literature Plan

· Adequate description of literature review plan

· Literature review themes align with study problem

· Literature review themes align with discipline/concentration

· Incomplete description of literature review plan

· Literature review themes lack alignment with study problem

· Literature review themes lack alignment with discipline/concentration

Back Matter


· Double spaced with proper indent

· Formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines

· Spacing/indent errors

· High error rate of APA 7th ed. guidelines



· Adequately formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines

· Formatting errors per APA 7th ed. guidelines