Reflecting on childhood

350 words

Book: Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment

  • Chapter 11, “Major Life Phases Influencing Human Behavior: Childhood.” 
    • This chapter explains how the development in childhood is influenced mostly by the initial attachment of the child to the parent or caregiver, and then in an ongoing way through the parenting interactions with the child. While parents are the greatest influence on the developing child, sibling and peer interactions, especially in play, are also important.Based on the unit readings, you are challenged to look at your childhood years and your interactions with your parents or caregivers. For this discussion, address the following:
  • What adjectives would you use to describe your interactions with your parents or caregivers and their interactions with you? You do not need to use the same adjectives for both perspectives of interactions.
  • What advice, in retrospect, would you give to your parents in regard to your academic success, your sibling and peer relationships, your ability to follow social rules, and your ability to enjoy family events? Be specific in your advice, citing the research literature to back up your suggestions.

Answer each of these questions thoughtfully and concisely.