Red State vs Blue State

Phase One:  Reading, Thinking and Planning. 
Phase Two: Writing, Revising and Reviewing. 
Avoid 1st and 2nd person.
MLA Format. 3 full typed pages does not include works citied
Include one quote from the article and one from the database. You can quote more in essay however only 1 quote at minimum per paragraph needed if needed two quotes are fine but paragraph must be more suppotive in views than overpowered in quotes
Must have a works cited page
Work Citied page is attached in the documents from the book and article from database to reference off of

Phase One:
A.  Read the article: Wont You Be My Neighbor. Make notes/ highlight the article. Read carefully and write your ideas as notes (annotating).

B. What to consider/ Write on: 
    Theres talk today, about how as a society weve become fragmented by ethnicity, income, city, versus suburb, red state versus blue. But we also divide ourselves with invisible dotted lines. Im talking about the property lines that isolate us from the people we are physically closet to: our neighbors (Lovenheim 478-79).

Do you Agree or Disagree? Support.
    Write an essay in which you respond to this claim. Is Lovenheim correct? Support your point of view. Do the physical barriers in our lives divide us from each other as deeply as do social differences in income, age, ethnicity, or gender? How or how not?

Phase Two: 
1.    Read over the notes you made on the article (your annotations) and the discussion boards.

2.    Write your response to the questions in part B above.

    Make sure to include: Name of the author, title of article and main idea of article in the introductory paragraph.
    Include TWO quotes {one from the article and one from database}

Article- Wont You Be My Neighbor in uploads
Database Conformity to the… to use in uploaded files these are the two references needed to be quoted in essay.

If needed you can use another outside reference but these two references must be used