recurrent urinary tract infection

MN585 Unit 6 DB

Discuss the evidence-based guidelines you used to evaluate the diagnosis and management of your patient, and whether the approach was appropriate or in comparison to the diagnostic and management metrics in the guidelines.

Discuss alternatives to the approach that you think may have been completed differently and support your thesis with relevant sources. Also describe the outcome goals whether they are complete resolution or if this will become a chronic management issue and why.

T.F. is a 66 year old African American female who presents today with increased pain and burning on urination and complains of a fever that is relieved by acetaminophen but returns when medication is wearing off. She reported that her symptoms started 2 days ago with increased urgency to urinate but with minimal cloudy urine output. Complains of fever, chills and weakness. Denies vaginal discharge, hematuria, polyuria or incontinence. Complains of foul smelling urine, pain and burning on urination, urinary hesitancy, urgency and dysuria. Denies flank pain, joint pain, muscle pain. Has a history of recurrent UTI,s.

Labs: UA/C&S, CBC


Treatment from clinical: Ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO BID for 5 days.

***Need 3 scholarly references***