Quiz Two

Quiz 2 consists of two questions. Each question is 50 pts and the total score for Quiz 2 is 100.
Quiz 2 is designed not only to assess your understanding of the topics we have been discussing, but also to help further develop your understanding by requiring you to apply these in our context (think about the different opportunities and limitation in our school, education system and society). Thus, please support your responses with evidence, readings, and examples.
Formatting: For each question 200 1000 words, double space, 12-size font,
From Chapter 3 in How People Learn Measures of transfer play an important role in assessing the quality of peoples learning experiences. Different kinds of learning experiences can look equivalent when tests of learning focus solely on remembering (e.g., on the ability to repeat previously taught facts or procedures), but they can look quite different when tests of transfer are used. Some kinds of learning experiences result in effective memory but poor transfer; others produce effective memory plus positive transfer.

The discussion of learning, memory and transfer are interrelated and are central to understanding how people develop important competencies. Please answer the following questions and be sure to provide clear descriptions as well as examples. Please feel free to cite any resources that you use
Question 1:
What is the relationship between memory and transfer in mathematics and science education? What are the critical features of learning affect peoples abilities to transfer what they have learned?
Question 2:
Think about our discussion of PISA, NAEPs results and assessments, growth mindset, equity and achievement gaps, and more – How much of what we do in our education should be focused on helping students remember?  How much should be focused on helping them understand?  Is there a difference between these two?