Quality Management Systems

Your assignment this week is to search online and find a company who has embraced Six-Sigma or Lean Six-Sigma and learn all you can about the program elements they have in place. Start with a brief description of the company and it’s products at the start of your paper. Next, include as much of the following elements as you can find expert testimony to support your case:

the quality program design;
the program’s successes, limitations, and failures;
how the company manages the program; and
how this program fosters continuous improvement in the services or products offered by the company.
Complete your paper with your personal observations regarding this company’s successes, failures, and possible areas that need improvement.
Find a minimum of three expert resources you can use to “triangulate” your case that this is an excellent example of how these Quality Systems should work and how they can be successful when the management team get’s 100% behind the program.