Problems faced by Student by traffic

Problems faced by Student by traffic

Introduction: Introduce the topic of your research.
Problem definition: What were the reasons for choosing the topic?
Research Question or Research Thesis statement: State the research question or research thesis statement. Is it a researchable, relevant and manageable research question or research thesis statement to study.
Research approach development: What method did you use to collect your data to answer the research question: Qualitative or quantitative? Is it the most appropriate method to collect your data. Give reasons for choosing this method?
Research design formulation: Describe your plan for collecting your data, and analysing the collected data, and writing your findings. . Is your plan acceptable and valid? Give citations to support your answer.
Literature review: Write three  summaries of three sources on the internet related to your research question. Each summary should be at least 50 words. Give citations.
Fieldwork or data collection: How did you go about collecting your data. Is your method of data collection acceptable and valid? Give citations to support your answer.
Data analysis: How did you analyze your data? Is your method of analysis acceptable and valid? Give citations to support your answer.
Research results: State at least 3 results that you got from analyzing the data.
Research findings: Based on your results, what are your findings about your research question.
Arguments: Do these findings answer the research question? Yes or No. Support your answer with information from the internet and the data that you collected from your respondents. Give citations.
Summary of important points: Summarize the whole process of conducting and writing your research
Relevance of the topic and conclusion for people today: Why are your findings important or relevant for people today.