
Read textbook chapters attached. Fill out attached assesment, create powerpoint.

In this Assessment, we focus on the 3-5 age range of preschool through Kindergarten and observation, documentation and assessment. Choose a literacy-based lesson appropriate for this age group and create a powerpoint presentation  (12 slides) demonstrating it and including how you would plan for observation and documentation throughout the lesson. This should be for a general education class in Preschool should be a class of 15-18 . Include an assessment and/or documentation tool that you would use to measure student learning and provide a written rationale (2 single space pages) for this choice in addition to addressing it in presentation. The assessment or documentation tool created or shared makes sense for the lesson and stated objectives. Comprehensive evidence is provided as well as references to textbooks about why this tool is efficient and captures appropriate and useful data to inform instruction.  Fill out the Assessment Self-Assessment questionnaire provided attached to analyze your approach to assessment and how you did/would provide feedback throughout the lesson.  
At least one of the two textbooks are referred to in the presentation a minimum of 3 times total in presentation and rationale.