Power To, Power With, and Power Within

Power To, Power With, and Power Within

Offer an opinion about where else you see power, its demonstration, and by whom in the issue your classmate described. Also, explain the rationale for this additional display of power.Share an insight about an additional meaning for having power in the social issue your classmate described. Make a suggestion about how power could be balanced within the social issue your classmate posted.
Explain an alternative for how the power to, power with, and power within might be used to address your classmates chosen social issue and why it might be effective.

Please use separate paragraphs for one and two.

1. Power is a concept which includes the ability to do (or not do) something, and to exercise influence or control in a variety of different ways. (Public Heath Scotland, 2017). In the Autism community, I see power in the medical side. The doctors, therapists, and insurance companies all work hand in hand. Yes, the families can rally together and have walks and fundraisers to raise money. The doctors that perform the tests that give the diagnosis and figure out what therapies and services are needed. The therapists make sure the treatment is seen through. The insurance companies give a yes or no to whether the patient can have what was prescribed to them. 
I would use the power to to go to the Supreme Court to try to make changes so that the insurance companies must lower costs. I would have a cap be put on for services that the offices are out of pocket. I would use the power with by gathering families of people with Autism and Autism advocates to come together to have power in numbers to get the necessary changes made. I then would use the power within by using my social media to my advantage and help spread the word, awareness and what changes that need to be made and help get traction with people that are not in the community. 

Public Health Scotland. (2017, August 16). Power-A health and social justice issue (NHS Health Scotland and GCPH) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezJU30Zr6FM

2. Power can be anything that can control or influence others.

Being a parent of a family is power. Parents can decide what to eat for that day, what the child/youth will be wearing, what school the child will be attending or the religion that child/youth will believing in.  When parents abuse this power by neglecting, beating, or abusing the child/youth. The child is then removed from the home and put into foster care.

Being a social worker is having power. They are the advocacy of the child. A social worker the power by decide to pick a family that they think that appropriated for the child. A family can be a married couple or a single parent, stepfamilies or gay couple. 2:50 Most of the time the kids are scared to use their voices, so the social worker are their voice. They help the children who cannot help themselves.

Social Institutions-Education, Family and Religion


Lumen Learning. (2017). Conceptualizing Structures of Power. In Introduction to Women Gender Sexuality Studies. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-introwgss/chapter/conceptualizing-structures-of-power/
Brown, S. (n.d.). Social institutions [Video]. Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/society-and-culture/social-structures/v/institutions

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

Also note: Closed captioning is available on this video.
Brown, S. (n.d.). Social institutionsEducation, family, and religion [Video]. Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/society-and-culture/social-structures/v/institutions-education-family-religion

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

Also note: Closed captioning is available on this video.