Political Science

Imagine a country has just achieved a cease fire in a decades-long civil war.
You have been asked by the government to accompany several constitutional experts to the country to advise the new constituent assembly, whose job it is to write a new constitution that will ensure stability, democracy, and prosperity.
What will you advise that they include in this constitution and why?
To write this essay you will need to imagine (and discuss) what the country is like.
number of ethnic and religious groups;
what natural resources does it have;
what is its geography like; its history..
you will need this information in order to justify in the essay why you are proposing what you are proposing.
In your essay/advice, discuss all of the following in an integrated essay:

Federalism vs. unitary and why?
Parliamentary vs. presidential or semi-presidential and why?
Proportional or single member districts and why?
Electoral rulesquotas? Public financing of elections? And such
Does the Supreme Court have judicial review? Why yes or no.
What civil, political, and social rights and why?

The paper is due by March 28th
The paper is to be a minimum of 1400 words, nothing shorter will be accepted. This is approximately 4-5 pages.
Your max is approximately 1800 words.
The paper must be double spaced, 12 pt font, one inch margins.
You may need endnotes or footnotes, these are NOT part of the word count.
You may have a maximum of ONE quote per page, please use footnotes, parenthetical references, or endnotes where needed.
See the Rubric below for information how it will be graded.
You will use your textbook for the information.
You may NOT use outside sources and will be marked down for doing so. I want to see that the textbook has been used in your essay via parenthetical references to information you are using to justify your choices.