Look up 2 to 3 videos of Middle or High School Physical Education. (Video links should be added to reflection)
Observe the teacher and try to answer the below questions in the best way you can. These questions are supposed to be based off of student teaching but because of Covid, we are not allowed into the actual schools so there is no way for me to teach a small lesson. Instead, you will observe the videos and base the questions off of the video. For example, the first one would be about your satisfaction of the teachers lesson plan, not yours because you didn’t actually teach. You can add in things like “If I were to teach it, I would do it like this”.., or “If I made this mistake, I would improve it by doing this”…etc.

Your satisfaction level of your lesson plan.
Your ability to execute the lesson plan.
What was successful?
What improvements could be made?
Whether the lesson plan was assessed effectively.
Did you change your delivery of the lesson from week 3? Was the outcome better?