Op-Ed about whether you agree with the increasing federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15?

Op-Ed about whether you agree with the increasing federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15?

Should be within the topic , select concrete examples from own personal experience, observations from at least two interview with people who are unknown with the topic. Then decide on thesis, support and tone that will be best for the topic.

Express opinion (must be arguable) with logical reasons and examples.

Need separate detailed notes from interview.

Argument must be of own ideas and experience and your interview.

Focus should not be in the interview but in the concrete examples you can use from them to prove your opinion.

Be sure to put interview in context by formally introducing the interviewee at the beginning of example and explaining how this example fits with points of the paragraph.

Longest quote should be a sentence or two at the maximum.

Need a separate rough draft for the essay that should be submitted for review in writing excellence centre.