
Movie Review Assignment:

Movie film chosen is Captain America Then the student will watch said film. After watching the film, the student will do research about the event in question and determine the

historical worthiness of the film. This paper should be four to five pages in length (plus

Works Cited page) and use 12pt Times New Roman or Calibri fonts. Other fonts WILL

NOT be accepted. In the paper students will first give a brief overview (summary) of the

film and its creation (i.e., actors, directors, year production). This should be no more

than one page of the four to five pages. In the following pages students will demonstrate

the knowledge they gained from research to analyze the film’s historical accuracy. So,

you could even do this in compare and contrast format. It is fine think of it in that

manner. Then you must create a Works Cited page for this paper. This includes the

film- you must have a citation for your film. This DOES NOT count toward your 4-5

content pages. Suggestions for additional sources include, but are not limited to: books,

documentaries (also film but non-fiction), song lyrics, newspaper articles, a person

recalling the event, and scholarly articles (seek our databases for articles. I will go over

using databases during class) This is due no later than 04/16. * Please note that spoof

films are not allowed. For example, the works of Quentin Tarantino and Mel Brooks

(although I enjoy them on a personal level). Also, Forrest Gump IS NOT allowed. Yes, it

is culturally relevant but I’ve read way too many of those reviews. Branch out. This list is

not exhaustive. If you have another film, you’d like to use let me know so I can approve

it. Also please note you have access to Microsoft Office Applications- you may sign into

these by going to and when asked what type of account select

Work/School Account. From there Microsoft will know what to do.