Movie Review

Watch the film <After Tiller> and answer five question out of six below in separate paragraphs.


1. According to a 2012 Gallup poll, only about 14 percent of Americans support the legality of third-trimester abortion, meaning that many people who consider themselves pro-choice do not support third-trimester abortion rights. After seeing the film, where do you stand on whether these procedures should be legal?
2. The movie depicted many different types of protest, from peaceful prayer to acts of violence. What impact do you think the protests have on the women who are considering abortion? What types of protest seem to you like a reasonable way to state a political viewpoint? What types of protest do you think go too far?
3.  When you think about the different voices in the conversation about abortion and the stories of the different people in this film, where do you situate yourself (ethically?)


4. What feelings did you have as you listened to the women? As you listened to the doctors? What information was new to you about the women who were seeking abortions? What information was new to you about the doctors or their staff members? What information was new to you about the protesters?

5. Write down four things about the film that you will tell someone close to you.

6. Dr. George Tiller is quoted as saying that we are all prisoners of our own experience. What does this mean to you in the context of this film? What does it mean for patients? For doctors? For protesters? For legislators? For activists?