Leadership Articles and Videos

Teaching the Police Ethos John Bertetto. Oct. 20, 2012 POLICE Magazine.
Ethics in Leadership: Applying Aristotle in Police Work Jon Gaskins. Jan. 7, 2016 PoliceOne.com
Focus on Ethics: Rethinking Ethics in Law Enforcement Brian D. Fitch. Oct. 2011 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
Emotional Intelligence: How good leaders become great 2014 UC Davis Extension (33:38)
Understanding Narcissistic Personality disorder 2013 Life Works Group (11:36)
How Honesty and Integrity Drive Long term Growth 2013 Benedictine CVDL (4:21)
Ethical Leadership 2009 Bright Sight Group (5:44)
The Four traits of Healthy teams 2011 IESE Business School (8:39)
What makes a great team leader? 2009 NAIA Videos (1:02)

Do you agree that ethics is an indispensable quality for leadership? Why or Why not? Offer an example of a leader engaging in ethical or unethical behavior from your own experience, popular news/culture, or history. How did this behavior impact the leaders influence? How much of ethics is innate as opposed to learned? How can and should organizations screen prospective employees on ethical issues? How can/should ethics be taught in an organizational environment?