Journal #1- Reflection on the Virtual Filed Trip at The Community Seedlings Preschool

Journal #1- Reflection on the Virtual Filed Trip at The Community Seedlings Preschool

Virtual Field Trip to the Reggio Inspired Preschool Program: The Community Seedlings Preschool

Research about this program using the resources shared in this page but also through your own search.

For this assignment you have to Use the Journal Observation Form I attached below as your guideline, fill out the form with your observations (2 PAGES)  and add TWO PAGES REFLECTION about the Community Seedlings Program.

Make sure you will address the following points in your two pages reflections:

Based on your understanding from the information provided and researched, describe the Community Seedlings Preschool Program

List and describe what of the Reggio/Constructivist program component are represented at the Community Seedlings Preschool and Explain how each component reflects the Reggio Philosophy

The Image of the Child
The Role of the Teacher
The Atelier
The Environment at the Third Teacher
Family Involvement

resources (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)