interest rates and the economy

interest rates and the economy

Interest Rates and Economy
As part of the syllabus, you are required to write two papers carrying
five points each. These are not research papers in a typical sense.
Although the format will be like a research paper but the length
restrictions will not allow you to do in depth research. The primary
objective is for you to write a paper a common household can
understand about the significance of interest rates, yet the content of
the paper should reflect your knowledge of the subject and how the
changes in interest rates affect economy, how adjusting the rates
impact inflation, economic activity, GDP, employment, exports and
imports, etc. Who is responsible for making such decisions in our
system of government and what factors they take into consideration
for making these decisions. Impact of most recent and present events
in the country and internationally, should be included.
Length: 5 double space font 12 pages. This length excludes graphs,
figures, data etc. that can be in Appendix. Bibliography is also not part
of the five pages.
Due Date: APRIL 11, 2022 (MONDAY)