Ideal job-principles of management

Go to a valid job website such as,, or Pick a job that might be interesting for you to have when you graduate from college with a business management degree. What is title of the position? What kind of organization is this? What is the salary range? What is the job description? What are the job specifications? What makes this interesting to you? Were you surprised by anything in this listing?

Keep in mind the following when choosing a job-
The selection techniques and procedures that companies use when deciding which applicants should receive job offers

Selection is the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job. To make sure that selection decisions are accurate and legally defendable, the EEOCs Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures recommend that all selection procedures be validated. Validation is the process of determining how well a selection test or procedure predicts future job performance. The first selection devices that most job applicants encounter when they seek a job are application forms and rsums. Nearly all companies ask an applicant to provide employment references, such as the names of previous employers or coworkers, whom they can contact to learn more about the candidate. Background checks are used to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of information that applicants provide about themselves and to uncover negative, job-related background information not provided by applicants. Unfortunately, previous employers are increasingly reluctant to provide references or background check information for fear of being sued by previous employee for defamation.

When previous employers decline to provide meaningful references or background information, they put other employers are at risk of negligent hiring lawsuits, in which an employer is held liable for the actions of an employee who would not have been hired if the employer had conducted a thorough reference search and background check. Selection tests give organizational decision makers a chance to know who will likely do well in a job and who wont. The basic idea behind biodata is that past behavior (personal background and life experience) is the best predictor of future behavior. In interviews, company representatives ask job applicants job-related questions to determine whether they are qualified for the job. Interviews are probably the most frequently used and relied on selection device. There are several basic kinds of interviews are unstructured, structured, and semistructured interviews.