

South rn N w Hampshir Univ rsity HCM 440 ournal Rubric

Journ l ctivities in this course re priv te between students nd the instructor. These ssignment topic will serve s person l reflection on your knowledge nd experience rel ting to he lthc re.

Guidelines for Submission: When writing this journ l, ple se include evidence-b sed sources s well s your own reflections on the topic. APA form t is to be used for the references nd in-text cit tions. Submit ssignment s Word document with double sp cing, 12-point Times New Rom n font, nd one-inch m rgins.

Critic l Elements Exempl ry (100%) Proficient (88%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) V lue

Knowledge of the Topic

Meets "Proficient" criteri nd offers gre ter insight bout the topic th t is under consider tion

Cle rly rticul tes wh t is known bout the topic th t is under consider tion

Articul tes wh t is known bout the topic, but missing cl rity nd det il of content

Does not rticul te wh t is known bout the topic under consider tion


Org niz tion of the Subject M tter: Strengths nd We knesses

Meets "Proficient" criteri nd offers keen insight bout content strengths nd we knesses of the topic s well s the conclusions th t re dr wn

Logic lly org nizes the topic, offering relev nt comment ry on strengths nd we kness; dr ws cle r conclusions th t re reflective to the topic

Org nizes the topic round strengths nd we knesses nd dr ws conclusions, but with l ck of logic l present tion nd problems with cl rity in conclusions

Does not org nize the topic logic lly nd does not present cle r conclusions


Use of Evidence- B sed Sources

Meets "Proficient" criteri nd offers more det il pert ining to the references th t re used in the journ l. APA form t is correct

Provides references from t le st two evidence-b sed sources th t re relev nt nd current to the topic, within three ye rs. Uses correct APA form t for reference cit tions nd for in-text cit tions

Provides limited references, nd the sources re not current or relev nt to the topic. APA cit tion form t cont ins errors

Does not provide evidence- b sed sources th t re relev nt nd current to the topic. No references re cited, nd there is no APA form t used


Articul tion of Response

Submission is free of errors rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r, spelling, synt x, nd org niz tion nd is presented in profession l nd e sy-to- re d form t

Submission h s no m jor errors rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r, spelling, synt x, or org niz tion

Submission h s m jor errors rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r, spelling, synt x, or org niz tion th t neg tively imp ct re d bility nd rticul tion of m in ide s

Submission h s critic l errors rel ted to cit tions, gr mm r, spelling, synt x, or org niz tion th t prevent underst nding of ide s


E rned Tot l 100%

  • HCM 440 Journal Rubric