

Spend time this week working on your second and final paper for this class.

· This paper should be in essay form, 10-12pt type, and two pages in length.

· On a third page cite three sources different from the websites I have provided for each photographer.

· Place the images you are critiquing on the third page. 

· The photographers you can select from are listed below.

· Specific directions are below. so, make sure you read this entire page.

"Angélica Dass is an award-winning photographer living in Madrid, Spain. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, she is acutely aware of how small differences in skin tone can swell into large misconceptions and stereotypes about race. She is the creator of the internationally acclaimed Humanæ Project, a collection of portraits that reveal the diverse beauty of human colors."

"Fabiola Ferrero, born in Caracas in 1991, is a journalist and photographer currently based in Caracas, Venezuela. She is part of the VII Mentor Program and a  Foundation Fellow."

"Erik Johansson (born 1985) is a photographer and visual artist from Sweden based in Prague, Czech Republic. His work can be described as surreal world created by combining different photographs. Erik works on both personal and commissioned projects with exhibitions and clients all around the world. In contrast to traditional photography he doesn't capture moments, he captures ideas with the help of his camera and imagination."

Erik Johansson    

"Matt Black is from California’s Central Valley. His work has explored the connections between migration, poverty, agriculture, and the environment in his native rural California and in southern Mexico."

Matt Black  

· Instructions: Look through the galleries provided in the links above.

· Select one image from two different photographers from that listMake sure you select two different photographers .  Do not select two photographs from the same photographer.  

· Review the video below on "9 Photo Composition Tips."

· Identify the elements of composition you feel each photographer uses in the image you select for each of your two photographers. 

· I do not want a bio on each photographer. Your job is to select your images, one from whichever two photographers, then try to figure out what elements of composition out of the nine below are being used in the photographs you select.

· Explain in detail how you see the techniques used in each image you select. If you see the use of diagonals, point out where you see the diagonals. Do not assume I will see them.

Whichever two images you select identify the elements of composition as outlined in the video below.

Each photographer is very different in their approach. Identify what composition elements of design he or she uses. The paper is all about composition. Apply what you have learned.  The paper must be saved as a word document, google docs, or a pdf double-spaced, two pages, and submitted here. This paper will be going through Turnitin so make sure these are you own words. I do not want you to use quotes. This should be in your own words.

The three additional sources can be ones that help you understand composition.

Place the two images you select a separate page with your source list. Remember: (One page per photographer)  Be descriptive. Make sure your paper answers the following questions in essay form:

·  Identify the elements of design being used in the composition and describe how they are being used? Address each of the ones I have put into this list. Explain in detail how that element works in the image.  Refer back to the video.  I noticed that several of you did not understand framing. Framing has to utilize an element in the scene to frame something within the scene. Please pay close attention to the 9 photo composition tips below. Also, lines can be implied they do not have to be actual lines in an image. Here is the list:

· 1. Rule of Thirds: The rule of thirds is based on dividing your scene into a grid of nine equal parts; the four intersection points of the grid lines represent the best locations to place your subject within the frame to make a well-balanced, pleasing composition.

· 2. Leading Lines: Use natural or implied lines to lead the eye into the photograph.

· 3. Diagonals: Diagonal lines create movement. These can be implied or real.

· 4. Framing: Use natural frames like windows and doors.

· 5. Figure to ground: How does your foreground relate to your background? Is it a relationship of contrast or harmony. This is perhaps the hardest of techniques.

· 6. Fill your frame: Get close to your subjects.

· 7. Center the dominant eye: Placing the dominant eye in the center of the photo gives the impression the eyes follow you.

· 8. Pattern and repetition: like areas are repeated throughout the image.

· 9. Symmetry: the image is symmetrical. SYMMETRY refers to a line that splits an object in half and, if both sides of the object are an exact mirror image of each other, then this object is said to be symmetrical