Fire et al article summary

In your summary, be sure to address the following points:

Gap in the field
Major results and how they were obtained (what type of experiment)
Do not plagiarize. Do not submit a reworded version of the abstract.  The essay should be two pages in length, typed, 12 point font, and double spaced. This is equivalent to approximately 500 words. Points will be deducted if you are under 450 or over 550 words.

Use key sentences. Underline key sentences in the summary.

Note a file about the Nobel prize-winning work is also posted and can be used as a reference in the summary, but THE SUMMARY IS OVER THE ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER PUBLISHED BY FIRE ET AL (1998) PDF

Your summary should be referenced. The first time that you refer to the article, but sure to cite it properly. After this, as long as it is clear that you are writing about the same article, you do not need to include an additional reference.