Final Essay

Write a short essay “Climate change and conflict.”

Climate change is the defining issue of our time. According to most studies (Links to an external site.), climate change is seen as a conflict multiplier. Climate change may aggravate and extend (Links to an external site.) the scope of existing conflicts or trigger underlying and latent conflicts to break out into the open. These studies have identified several areas in which climate change may worsen conflicts: Land and water access, food security, migration, and displacement, increasing inequality, and injustice. So, the idea that climate change will constitute a major security concern has surfaced in media and public discourse.

    Do you agree that climate change is likely to produce a massive hazard to peace and security in the future?

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If you are a climate-change skeptic, please skip this option or share your understanding.

The final essay should be double-spaced; type in 12pt. Fonts, Times New Roman, contain a minimum of five references correctly noted using an acceptable style (Chicago, MLA).