Explain the relevance of Talcott Parsons to the study of Sociology. What were his main influences, how did he construct his theory, and in what ways did he become influential.

Explain the relevance of Talcott Parsons to the study of Sociology. What were his main influences, how did he construct his theory, and in what ways did he become influential.

A basic outline for such a project is to:
1- Have a strong Introduction which includes some Definitions but not explanations, your thesis statement, introduction to main ideas.
2- Paragraphs starting with a Topic sentence and then the main content,
3- Make sure the different sections deal specially with the specific topics designated for that section.
4- Conclusion must be a review of the main ideas; do not introduce any new content.
5- Word Limit: 2500.
6- Must include at least 8-10 references