Justin Phillips posted Mar 23, 2022 2:04 AM


· Question 1: What are the components of an Amazon VPC?

· In regards to the components of the Amazon VPC, they can be broken down into 3 major components; a virtual private cloud (VPC), the subnet, and the internet gateway. According to Amazon, the VPC cloud is a logically isolated virtual network within the Amazon Web Service (AWS) overall network cloud (Amazon, 2016). Think of it as a cloud within a cloud. This is where a requested VPC’s IP address is defined from the customers selected ranges. The subnet is a segment of the VPC’s IP address range where customers can place groups of isolated resources (Amazon, 2016). This would be so customers can set their own network rules or give exclusive internet access to particular resources.  Finally, the AWS internet gateway is the side of the public internet connection that Amazon has control over (Amazon, 2016). Essentially this is the part of the connection where Amazon grants authorized customers access to the AWS VPC resources. There are also a couple other components such as VPC Endpoints which enables private connectivity without the need for a Virtual Private Network (VPN). And there is also the NAT Gateway which is a highly available network translation service that assists in helping a customer’s private subnet gain access to network resources.  

· Question 2: What is the default VPC and what are its advantages?

· The default VPC is defined as a logically isolated virtual network in the AWS cloud that is automatically created for your AWS account the first time you provision Amazon EC2 resources (Bhardwaj, 2020). A default VPC in AWS offers a plethora of immediate network benefits to the customer. Some of these features include the option to change security group membership almost instantly, security group egress filtering, multiple IP addresses, and multiple network interfaces without explicitly creating a VPC (Bhardwaj, 2020). Another great benefit to the default VPC is that internet access is enabled by default and the default VPC is given an active internet gateway and public subnets with corresponding route table. This option is not available with non-default VPC’s as customers choosing the non-default option will have to setup their own networking table. So the point of the default VPC is to get new customers up and going quickly. It is great for customers that are still building their knowledge base on AWS and need things to be automated as much as possible.



Amazon. (2016, April 17). Amazon VPC FAQs. Amazon. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from https://aws.amazon.com/vpc/faqs/

Bhardwaj, R. (2020, June 26). Default VPC vs custom VPC in AWS. IP With Ease. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from https://ipwithease.com/default-vpc-vs-custom-vpc/


Amazon. (n.d.). What is Amazon VPC?. docs.aws.amazon.  

Piper, B. & Clinton, D. (2019). AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide: CLF-C01 Exam. Wiley. 10.1002/9781119574408