Essay 2

There should be at least 3 well-developed paragraphs (5-7 sentences) in which you address the prompt and demonstrate your understanding of the biology principles of this topic. For each prompt

You are free to use any resources to support your response, including textbook, articles, internet, but it is imperative that you cite your sources using MLA format

#1, you will describe three characteristics that plants share with their closest algal ancestor, be sure to state which phylum you are comparing. Also, describe three major changes that have occurred in the Plant Kingdom since the evolutionary break from its algal ancestors. For each change, be sure to describe the adaptive significance in the context of thriving in a terrestrial environment.

#2, you will describe the biology and ecology of Fungi. In your essay, you should describe the basic morphology of the fungal body. Explain how fungi feed and in what ways their morphology is adapted to their mode of nutrition. Describe the reproductive biology of Fungi, how do they reproduce? Lastly, what is the ecological role of mycorrhizal fungi?