

5E Instructional Model Template

Part 1: Matrix

Select a grade level, Next Generation Science Standard, and develop two learning objectives related to the selected standard. Detail each component of the 5E Lesson (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) and how it could be applied to the selected grade level standard by selecting one appropriate instructional activity for each and providing a rationale why the activity would be effective for implementing the 5E instructional model components with all students. You will also describe assessment ideas that could be used to support the instructional strategies. Note that you will adapt the information from this template to complete the Topic 6 “Science Lesson Plan” assignment.

Grade Level:

6th Grade

Next Generation Science Standard: MS-PS2-1

Apply Newton’s Third Law to design a solution to a problem involving the motion of two colliding objects.

Specific Learning Targets/ Objectives:

1. Students will gain a greater understanding of forces and motion.

2. Students will be able to use Newton’s third law to design a solution to a problem involving colliding objects

5E Lesson Component Description

(In your own words, describe the component as it relates to science processes and practices in 1-2 sentences.)

Instructional Activity and Rationale

(In 2-3 sentences describe an instructional activity that would be appropriate for the standard and provide a rationale for why it would be effective in helping to implement the 5E instructional model with all students.)

Engage: The class will be discussing how to safely land cargo and coming up with ways they think it could be done better. They will need to defend their thoughts.

Activity: The class will be watching a video on the landing of rovers on Mars and the Moon. We will then discuss forces on an object. Students will go over the difference between the landing on Mars and the landing on the moon. “ Does anyone think they could have come up with something different? Any different ideas on how it could have been done?”

Rationale: This will bring attention to the attended concept.

Explore: Students will be put into groups and assigned (students will rotate) to a station. In the stations, students will learn more about Newton’s 1st,2nd, and 3rd Laws.

Activity: Newton Law stations where students will record their observations and complete tasks based on the Newton’s Law instructions at the stations.


1st Law- Inertia

2nd Law- a=F/m, Acceleration is directly proportional to the applied force and inversely proportional to the mass

3rd Law-For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

Rationale: This will get students working with their hands and making connections between what was discussed and what they are working on.

Explain: Students will find the 3 Laws and they will be discussed. Students will go over their findings of the stations and how they fit the information they have found.

Activity: Within the groups that the students are in they will use the computers and find more information on the 3 Laws. This information will be recorded in their journals. After recording as a class, we will go over what they have found.

Rationale: This will give meaning to the stations and the experiments that they worked on as a group.







Assessment Ideas: Describe three ideas for formative and/or summative assessments. Include at least one idea for a technology-based assessment. Briefly explain each assessment idea and discuss how it could be used to support one or more of the instructional activities listed above.




References: Support your instructional activities and rationales with 2-3 scholarly resources and cite them below.

Part 2: Vocabulary Terms and Instructional Strategies and Practice Activities

Use the grade level, Next Generation Science Standard, and learning objectives you selected in Part 1 to complete the chart. Identify key academic vocabulary terms, an instructional strategy for teaching the terms, and two activities you could implement to allow students the opportunity to practice and apply their knowledge of the term. The activities should involve reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Academic Vocabulary Term

Instructional Strategy for Explicitly Teaching the Term

Practice Activities to Allow Students to Apply Their Knowledge of the Term

(Include identification of what skills are used: reading, writing, speaking, and/or listening.)






Differentiation Strategies: Identify two differentiation strategies that could be employed to meet the needs of ELL students and students with exceptionalities when teaching academic vocabulary terms.



Communication Techniques: Explain why it is important for educators to use verbal and nonverbal communication methods to encourage students’ active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction. Include examples of one verbal communication method and one nonverbal communication method.

1. Explanation:

2. Verbal Example:

3. Nonverbal Example:

References: Support your selection of instructional activities and practice activities with 2-3 scholarly resources and cite them below.

Part 3: Questioning Strategies

Use the grade level, Next Generation Science Standard, and learning objectives you selected in Part 1 and complete the chart. For each of the 5E’s, develop one question based on Webb’s Depth of Knowledge levels. Each question should align to the learning objectives, activate students’ prior knowledge, and encourage exploration and problem-solving.






DOK Level 1

DOK Level 2

DOK Level 3

DOK Level 4

Bennett, C. (2019, April 16). Use the 5 E instructional model for student inquiry-based learning. ThoughtCo. Retrieved April 2, 2022, from

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