
Step 1: Read the Discussion Netiquette.

Step 2: Identify 2 writing strategies that you have used previously and have found them to be effective in your writing.

Discussion Netiquette Examples

In all your interactions, remember that there is a person behind the written post, who has feelings and can be hurt by what and how you interact with them.
Never post anything that you would not say to the person face-to-face.
Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life, which includes acting ethically and following rules and regulations.
Allow each learner to complete ones thoughts before respondingthis means be mindful not to interrupt with your thoughts while another is communicating.
Signal when you have finished a statement (e.g., learners may use the phrase, End to signal they have completed their input).
Be patient and respect other learners time.
Keep statements brief and to the point.
Avoid conversations that are not on the topic of discussion.
Share your discussion points but be mindful of amount of voice you exert. Every learner must have an equal opportunity to participate in the discussion.
Signal when you do not understand something (e.g., learners may use a question mark).
Take time to understand the requirements of the discussion.
Only ask questions that are relevant to the discussion.
Refrain from disagreements or difference of an opinion that lead to personal attacks.
Comment on the discussion point, not the person who is making the point (e.g., learners may use questions, instead of statements, and provide a reason/explanation for their agreement/difference of an opinion by drawing on the readings).
Take time to check your spelling and grammar.
Prepare for discussion notes and ideas prior to engaging in discussions.
Keep discussions professional.
Refrain from inappropriate language and remarks.
Avoid the use of CAPITALS as it may be understood as shouting.
Avoid leaving your computer unattended during a scheduled session.
Officially sign on and off so that everyone knows when you are present
Share your knowledge by offering help to learners who have questions.
Forgive other learners mistakes and be compassionate of all learners in the course.