
Coursework 1 (Essay) planning: How to pass the assignment

1. ‘Show off’ what you have learned on the module (Knowledge).

If your assignment was a cupcake:

This would be the icing on top

Layer wider reading and research on top

This would be the sponge

Use the concepts (ideas, theory and research) we have looked at in lectures and seminars

Use the literature that has been cited in lectures and exploration sheets

Use the literature that is referred to on the further reading slides in the lecture

2. Apply what you have learned to the case study (Application).

This means ensuring you have a ‘frosting’ of case study distributed evenly throughout the whole of your assignment (not big blobs of it at the bringing or at the end). To help you achieve this, remember that a paragraph should contain a set of sentences covering the same and/or linked ideas which help you to ANSWER THE QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED.  As a general guide the presentation of each idea should have three parts to it:

Explain: ‘what is the point you are trying to make about the question?’

Link to the case study: ‘what evidence can you see of this at the Logistics Centre and/or in your experiences in the seminar practical?’

Add a reference: ‘what have you read that makes you think that?’

Sensitivity: Internal

3. Answer the question that has been asked (Evaluation)

This means you need to start by analysing the question. Make sure you understand everything it is asking you to cover (and what it wants you to leave out!). Use this to start building your assignment plan. I have given you a table to get you started below:

i.e. are they a useful performance management tool?

Make specific reference to the case study

‘a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action’

Discuss the rationale for managing performance at the Ferdinand Bilstein Logistics Centre at Markham Vale. Assess the advantages and disadvantages/limitations of introducing an annual appraisal scheme to achieve this and the role of the line manager in effective design and implementation. Illustrate your answer with your own experiences from the practical activities you have completed in the seminars.

How they help and hinder this in practice

You can write in the 1st person when referring to these but stay in the third person everywhere else


· This is an essay so does NOT require an executive summary

· The word limit is BETWEEN 1,000 and 1,500 words – there is NO +/- 10%

· You should have AT LEAST one citation per paragraph

· You will have the option to look at your PLAN with your seminar leader NEXT FRIDAY (18th March)

What are the key points/arguments you want to make? Hint: Look through lecture slides and seminar notes for key concepts.

What literature (research/and or theory) supports this point?

Hint: Start with the core text and recommended reading /online reading list

How does this relate specifically to the Logistics Centre? How could you illustrate this point from your own experience in the practical?

Why do organisations need to manage performance?

(is this a particular problem for the Logistics Centre – what are the indicators?)

Hint: Think Human Capital (potential and actual) and the indicators of poor performance. Why might an organisation fail to turn human potential into actual performance?

(approx. 300 words)

How could an annual performance appraisal improve performance levels

(how might it work in theory?)

Hint: Think AMO, discretionary behaviour and the psychological contract. Can you use motivation or other theory here?

(approx. 300 words)

What are the key points/arguments you want to make? Hint: Look through lecture slides and seminar notes for key concepts.

What literature (research/and or theory) supports this point?

Hint: Start with the core text and recommended reading /online reading list

How does this relate specifically to the Logistics Centre? How could you illustrate this point from your own experience in the practical?

But…What barriers might prevent an appraisal having a positive impact on performance?

(what might go wrong in practice?)

Hint: What are the common concerns/problems with appraisals identified in the literature. Think design and implementation and impact on employee attitudes and behaviour (how will employees perceive this practice and why is this important?)

(approx. 500 words)

How important are line managers in implementing appraisals effectively and how good are they at this?

(Hint: Think management and leadership functions and the AMO of the line managers themselves)

(approx. 300 words)

4. Present your assignment professionally (Communication)

Use the essay checklist to help you.

1. I have carefully analysed the question and answered EVERY part, providing examples where these have been asked for

2. I have included an executive summary (max 1 side) which summarises what the report is about, my main findings and my main conclusions

3. I have included a SHORT introduction explaining what will be covered in the answer

4. I have removed any materials that are irrelevant to the question that has been asked

5. I have edited my work carefully to correct any spelling, grammatical and typographical errors

6. I have supported each new idea in my work with reference to something I have read “that makes me think that” (approx. one reference per paragraph)

7. I have demonstrated a range of reading resources including some textbooks, some journal articles and some websites

8. I have not referenced Wikipedia, Business Balls or Mind Tools as these are weak academic reference sources

9. I have ensured that all the sources I have cited/ referred to in my answer are listed in full in a reference section at the end of my work.

10. I have listed my references only ONCE in EITHER my reference section OR my bibliography

11. I have presented my references in alphabetical order. (I have NOT separated this into sections of books, journals, websites etc.)

12. I have provided page numbers with references where I have used direct quotes to show specifically where the direct quote can be found.

13. I have presented all direct quotes in double speech marks (“xxxxx”) to clearly indicate that these are not my own words

14. I have used direct quotes sparingly, preferring to write in my own words where ever possible to show I have understood what I have read

15. I have checked my work for long and/or incomplete sentences

16. I have joined all my sentences with similar/related themes/content together into relevant paragraphs. One paragraph = one idea.

17. I have broken long sections of writing up into relevant paragraphs to help guide the reader

18. I have avoided using bullet points or number lists preferring to discuss my points in full sentences developing my discussion to demonstrate my understanding of the points made.

19. I have written my work in the third person avoiding the use of ‘I’, ‘My’, ‘We’, ‘The author’ etc

20. I have removed unnecessary pictures and diagrams from my work e.g. copies of lecture slides and concentrated on writing about what this shows

21. I have provided a concise conclusion at the end of my work summarizing the main points I have made

22. I have removed appendixes, talking about its content in the main part of my answer if it is important enough to be included

23. I have checked the similarity report on ‘turn it in’ and addressed any plagiarism issue

24. I have submitted my work on time to avoid my grade being penalized for late submission