Color of fear

Objective: Understanding Group Development, Leadership, Group Dynamics, Roles/Conflict and Difference

This assignment will use the video Color of Fear. It is a documentary showing a small group of men openly discussing racism. The focus of your paper will be on the process of the group (NOT the content of the discussion) and how to use this group experience to analyze group development, leadership, group dynamics, group roles and conflict, and differences of group members.

In addition, consider the “critical reflection” you learned in SWK 3090 Philosophy of Social Work with regard to your own positionality/intersectionality and bias as you observe group dynamics, leadership, and conflict.

Each student will turn in an individual paper.  Remember your writing process this assignment may likely take several drafts for a polished submission.

Please respond to ALL of the following prompts in your paper with adequate support from the documentary, course information, and readings:

Group Development
Describe the 3 stages of group development beginning, middle and ending stage including what is characteristic (what needs to happen, members feelings/behavior and role of worker) by identifying scenes from the video, which clearly illustrate and reflect each stage of group development. This group is quick – not over days or weeks – but rather hours. However, the stages are still noticeable.
Use: Kurland and Salmon (1998) Beginning, Middle, and End Group Development and Birkenmaier and Berg-Weger (2017) 
Describe and substantiate with examples from the film and evidence and citations from our readings.
How would you describe the development of leadership in the group?
What evidence in the video do you see of the following areas (describe and substantiate with examples)
Leadership approaches
Approaches are in the beginning of each chapter titles. Theoretical Approaches: p. 371 – 373; 404-412 (such as narrative, solution focused, etc.)
Use of Leadership Roles (task & maintenance)
Task and Maintenance Roles were in Module 5 on Leadership. Use the Handout and discuss some of the task roles different groups members took and why.
Read Birkenmaier and Berg-Weger (2017) p. 416 – 421: to help look at different things leaders can encourage or do in a group. Describe and substantiate with examples.
thinking group posture
balanced leadership
facilitating change
building mutual aid
maintaining cohesiveness
facilitating change
Designated/ indigenous (members) leadership
Group Dynamics
Provide examples from the video to substantiate your understanding of each area of group dynamics exhibited.


Toseland & Rivas (2012) Chapter 3: Understanding Group Dynamics   

norms, roles, status (power in group)
group culture
Group Roles and Conflict/Difference
Was there evidence of sub-grouping and alliances among group members? Substantiate your response.
Identify evidence of conflict and difference in the group how did members react to it?
Provide examples from the video
Review and use:
Brown, N. (2018). Chapter 11: Managing Conflict in Psychoeducational groups: process and practice (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.)
Finn, J. (2021) Just Practice (Links to an external site.) (p. 214-216; 283 -285)
Garvin, Gutierrez, & Galinsky (2017). Handbook of Social Work with Groups
Atieno Okech, Pompleton-Gray, Vannatta & Champe (2016) article. Intercultural Conflict in Groups.
Review and Use Group:
Birkenmaier and Berg-Weger (2017) pp. 423 – 426
Toseland & Rivas (2012) Chapter 3: Understanding Group Dynamics
No more than 10 pages (11-12 point font, double-spaced, title/reference page not included)

Quality writing is a minimal expectation in the social work profession, so make sure to proofread your paper before submitting it.  Instructor will deduct assignment points for misspellings, typos, poor grammar, incorrect punctuation, and illogical sentences. APA publication rules and guidelines followed (up to 5% deduction) for the title page, citations, references that are included, and for headings.