child nutrition health and safety

child nutrition health and safety

#1 The below video is an episode of Oprah during which she interviews a young man about his abusive childhood.  The questions below are meant to get you thinking while you watch the video.  For your response that you include in the discussion, there are no specific questions  to answer, simply share your reaction to the video.

As you watch, consider:

What are some “red flags” that may have hinted at abuse or neglect?
Who are the mandated reporters in this situation?
How can we empower children/adolescents to come forward?
What are your thoughts of Oprah’s statement: “Everybody has the power to make a difference in their own lives and in somebody elses life?


For this assignment, you will watch the below video and write a 3-paragraph reflection on the strategies used in the video, SEL in general, and why it is important to support young children in learning about their emotions. Please use proper formatting, title page, reflection, and references.