Chicago marketplace

Two-page script

There will be one group presentation on the readings, authors, films or movements presented in the syllabus. Each student of the group will present for the same amount of time, 5 minutes, and will be graded individually based on the information shared during his/her section of the presentation. The day of the presentation, you will be the expert of a specific topic, aspect or reading you chose to present on. It is your responsibility to coordinate with your group before your presentation in order to avoid repetitions and divide equally the content. Your presentation will integrate the reading of the day with:

1. Extra information gathered through a small research on the cultural, social or environmental aspect on the specific region, or country, or topic the reading focuses on.
2. Presentations should also include personal reflections or connections the reading might have stimulated.
3. You must include a work cited page at the end and cannot include only or exclusively Wikipedia.
4. Presentations are intended to spark class discussion so prepare one question to ask the class at the end.

Reading:Cooperative Social Practices, Self-Determination, and Struggle for Food Justice in Oakland and Chicago in Food Activism, Opposition, Cooperation and Collective Action