APA (edition “APA 7”)

May 20, 2020

Applied Behavior analysis single-subject design

Find a research article using single-subject design, and analyze the controls that the authors used to make sure that the control and experimental conditions only varied […]
May 21, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the style of an argumentative essay, respond to the question: How do ethics shape value trade-offs in the pursuit of security? Considerations Weighting 30% Word […]
May 21, 2020


Write a literature review similar to the literature review in the file attached, Separate the studies in paragraphs as the file. Mention the following: [Researcher(s) name(s) […]
May 21, 2020

Holland’s RAISEC Theory

Write 750- to 1,000-word paper about your quiz results. Include the following in your paper: Document the names and scores of your Holland Code, referred to […]
May 21, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[Include specific information in your instructions to ensure students understand your expectations and the context of the assignment.  Consider including: Summary of the assignment explaining the […]