February 10, 2020

Interpreting A Factor Analysis

  Factor analysis is a powerful statistical technique that is frequently used in test construction. When performing factor analysis, researchers look at correlations between test items […]
February 11, 2020

Market Analysis Research

   Purpose MBA Business Plan component Context One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a […]
February 12, 2020


In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to apply […]
February 12, 2020

Estadistica Basica

  Defina y suministre ejemplos: regresin lineal simple    Correlacin    coeficiente de correlacin estimacin de los prametros de regresin (coeficiente y pendiente)    prueba de […]
February 13, 2020


PART 1: The following table shows the number of marriages in a given State broken down by age groups and gender: AGE at the time of […]